Materia Medica

This page is dedicated to the art of knowledge. Here will continually post my findings on specific herbs and their actions. Please click on the desired herb to be taken to its designated page. I will try to be as thorough as possible and leave references frequently. 

Feel free to print & share the information I have here. As much as one would like to take credit for the information about herbs, I don't think you can. See, I believe our loving Heavenly Father placed these herbs on the earth for us to use. So it was Him who put all his glorious power into them. Maybe Heavenly Mother had her hand in it as well, I don't know. But I do know that the knowledge about herbs is to be freely shared. Herbal Medicine is peoples medicine. Pretty much every herbalist I know of uses this as their motto. And I know that the knowledge was put here for us to share so those in need will be able to use it.

Check back often as the pages will be continually updated.

Materia Medica

Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)