Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Herbal Vocabulary

Press Control + F(Windows)  or Command +F (Mac) to search for a particular word you are looking for. Remember, I am always adding to this list as knowledge is never ending. I will try to use layman's terms as to not cause confusion in the definitions.

acrid - biting and caustic, can burn, may dissolve what it comes in contact with

adaptogen -

alterative -

anodyne - promotes sleep, eases pain, quiets, 

antibilious - corrects the bile

anticattarhal  -  decongestant

antiscorbutic - useful in scurvy  

antiseptic -

antispasmodic - spasm reliver

aperient - gently opens the bowels

astringent -

bacteriostatic - 

carminative -  promote digestion, relieve cramps, relieve gas

demulcent -

deobstruent - removes obstruction

diaphoretic  -  helps break fevers, stimulating, relaxing, sweat producing,

diffusive - to spread, disperse, disseminate "acts fast, like electricity to move things through out the body."

dissentient - dissolves tumors

diuretic - increases production of urine

drastic - powerful on bowels,

emmenagogue - brings on menstruation,

emetic - induces vomiting

emollient  -  mucilaginous, moistening, softening

expectorant - producing discharge from the lungs

febrifuge - dispells fever

laxative - mild purgative

mucilaginous -  lubricating

narcotic - stupifying, pain relieving, sleep inducing

nervine -  strengthens nerves,

nutritive - nutritious

rubefacient - produces heat and redness

sedative - encourages sleep

stimulant - excites, gives strength

stomachic - gives tone to the stomach

styptic - stops bleeding

vermifuge - destroys worms

vulnerary  -  wound/skin healer,